The CROP Business Model

Concept. Runway. Operations. Profit or Pivot.

Business is a cycle.

Here are my thoughts on a little business model/tool I’m putting together based on my observations from business development and product management. I’ve found that no matter whether it’s software, retail, events, or some other venture, there’s a pattern. It starts with a concept. But it needs to be a well-researched concept, not just an idea. And then there’s the runway, where you raise capital and launch. During operations, you get your footing with product/market fit so that finally, you can iterate to profit or pivot. There are no clear boundaries; each aspect bleeds into and influences each other. Your concept will evolve; as you iterate you’ll come back to the runway. Operations affect profitability.

The cover photo for this page was taken on a foggy hike in the mountains. My dog had run ahead down the path over the little stream and disappeared into the fog. I couldn’t see her from the beginning of the path but as I crossed, things became more and more clear and I could see her on the other side of the little bridge, wagging and waiting for me. Business is like this more often than not. We have a vision, but things are a little foggy. Our customers are just up ahead, waiting for us. As we get deeper into our analysis, signals become stronger and the path to join them just ahead becomes more clear.

Here are some tools I’ve collected and insights I’ve gathered, having been through each phase more than once myself.

Please enjoy, and I welcome feedback.



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