

One of the five P’s in the Profit (or Pivot) optimization phase of CROP is perspective. Do we have the right perspective on the situation? Our perspective is our view on a situation, and it gives us a framework for interpretation and decision-making. It...
A Modern (Agile) Marketing Mix

A Modern (Agile) Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix is rooted in a time when the sale of physical retail goods dominated the markets. In fact they were the markets because the Internet didn’t exist when the Marketing Mix was conceived. So that’s the paradigm it was framed in. As such, four...
Hypothetically This Will Work

Hypothetically This Will Work

I did not like my Chemistry class in High School. In hindsight, it should have been fun. As an adult, I think I would love it. But for me, at the time, it was too much about theory and memorizing formulas and not enough blowing stuff up. I think education has evolved...
5 P’s to Profit…or Pivot

5 P’s to Profit…or Pivot

The final area of focus in the CROP model is Profit…or Pivot. How I came across 5 P’s for this area is a bit of a long story involving a layover in New York, watching a random hotel TV interview, and a lot of subsequent experience so I’ll cut to the...
The 5 S’s of Operations

The 5 S’s of Operations

My first “grown up job” was in Operations, so I have a particular nostalgia for this area of business. In the 6 years I worked preparing for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games I was fortunate to work with some amazing professionals. I was fortunate to work in...
Paving the Runway

Paving the Runway

After you’ve refined your concept, it’s time to get ready to launch. I’ll call this stage The Runway–because that’s what it’s called. This is where you get funding and get your product to market. The length of your runway is...